When a student is absent from school, a telephone call to the office the morning of the absence is appreciated or you may leave a message during non-business hours by calling 606-4724, #2. If you have not called to report your child’s absence, a note must be brought home stating the reason for the absence. All absences must be CLEARED WITHIN 3 DAYS of the absence. Please include the following information when leaving a message or in the absence note:
- Name of student
- Date(s) of absence
- Reason for absence
- Teacher’s name
- Parent or Guradian name leaving message (signature if NOTE)
Please make every effort to schedule medical/dental appointments, etc. during non-school hours. Your child needs to attend school every day in order to gain all possible opportunities for learning.
An Independent Study program is available for planned absences for travel, etc., for five or more days. Please contact your child’s teacher or the school office personnel two weeks in advance of the planned absence so that the Independent Study plan may be developed.
Children coming late for school must check in at the office before going to class. It is very important for students to arrive at school on time. Classroom activities begin immediately and a late student not only disrupts the class, but also loses out on valuable instructional time. Students being picked up during the school day must be signed out through the office. Students will not be released to people other than those appearing on the Student Emergency Card.