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Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy

Welcome to Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy


The Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy provides students the opportunity to learn and master their elementary curriculum with a special emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. Early exposure and knowledge in STEAM builds students’ passion, confidence, and understanding in challenging areas of study that will lead to increased success in their future education, and college and career pursuits. Students will learn the essential STEAM skills of inquiry, questioning, problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration and be able to apply them to solve real world problems. These skills will make Marylin students well-prepared to solve the challenges of tomorrow.

Interested in enrolling your TK-5th grade student at Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy? Call Laura Torres at 925-606-4724 for information.

Federal Magnet Grant Funding Approved!

In the Fall of 2022, LVJUSD was awarded a $10 million Federal Magnet Grant to bring a STEAM program to Marylin Avenue Elementary School. The newly re-named Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy will undergo some facility upgrades and changes that coincide with the development of the STEAM program. Construction upgrades will begin in the Spring of 2024 with completion by Fall 2025.

School site improvements will include:

  • Two new STEAM classrooms
  • Redesign of existing classrooms to STEAM classrooms
  • New TK classrooms
  • New outdoor play space
  • New drop-off and parking area


PHOTO: Rendering of new main entry at Marylin.       

PHOTO: Rendering of planned new TK/STEAM classroom building and outdoor play space at Marylin.

What Makes Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy Unique?

  • Students grades TK-5 will visit our STEAM lab each week to engage in hands-on lessons with our STEAM specialist.
  • All students grades 1-5 receive two days of hands-on lab science instruction from our science specialist.
  • Marylin teachers receive specialized training in Project Based Learning (PBL) from the Buck Institute of Education, the gold standard for project based learning models. Our PBL model allows students to solve real world problems and engage in hands-on learning.
  • Full-time reading and math specialists provide expert instruction and support to grow proficiency in reading and math for all students grades TK-5.

Project Based Learning Model

At Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy, our academic program is designed to follow the Project Based Learning (PBL) teaching model. PBL is a teaching method in which students learn by actively engaging in real-world and personally meaningful projects. It is a blend of personal connection to meaningful work and content mastery that creates learning experiences that enhance both academic achievement and personal growth of our students.

Benefits of PBL include:

High student engagement

  • Increased student achievement
  • Deeper understanding and personal connection to their academic experience
  • Inspires a love of learning

Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy Vision

Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy is a learning community that inspires all to critically think, collaborate, and innovate, in a  STEAM focused environment. 

Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy Mission

  • To engage every student and family with a high-quality education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts,  and Mathematics  (STEAM) and how it connects to our everyday lives.
  • To foster curiosity, ingenuity and creativity by providing a variety of hands-on learning experiences throughout the school year that are related to the five specific  disciplines of STEAM , all of which emphasize the application of knowledge to real-life situations.
  • To enhance key skills such as taking initiative, critical thinking, resiliency, collaboration, problem solving and communication.
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