About Us
Mission Statement
Our mission is for all to develop the confidence to take risks, to accept challenges, and to succeed. Learning at Marylin will empower all to achieve their personal best and to be respectful, thoughtful and independent learners.
Vision Statement
Marylin Avenue Elementary school is a learning community that inspires all to embrace challenges, persevere and thrive.
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible
Marylin Avenue STEAM Academy is a professional learning community that holds students to the highest academic and social standards. Our mission, vision and values are shared by teachers and parents. Our school community is defined by collaboration and collective inquiry where teachers look for best practices that are based on research. There is a constant search for a better way to help support students. Parents and teachers work together to create a collective learning experience. We are a community school that holds high expectations and believes that all children can learn.
Our academic programs at Marylin are unique, innovative, research based, and are designed to meet all children's needs. Teachers differentiate instruction in the regular classroom to make sure that all children are challenged. Additionally, we offer a blended services program that targets academic instruction to meet individual students needs. Our classroom teachers have received training in Leader In Me, Readers and Writers Workshop, Common Core Math, and Project GLAD, a guided language acquisition development program. A variety of support services are offered to promote the education of the whole child, academically, social emotionally, behaviorally, and physically.
The roadrunner is our mascot and our colors are turquoise, black and white. This year we will celebrate our 60th anniversary of being an elementary school. Our office staff is bilingual in both Spanish and English. The office is open from 8:00 AM through 4:00 PM.