Hi everyone! My name is Mrs. Kishi, and I am excited to be your librarian! Yes, I am married to Mr. Kishi, a 4th grade teacher who is also here at Marylin. We have a daughter, Stephanie, who is currently attending Wheaton College.
There are links to the catalog and links below to some of our databases. Be sure you read the instructions for the databases, since some require you to login if you're not at school.
All instructional videos and recommended lists will be visible to everyone; everything else will require students to be logged in to their school email accounts for access.
Marylin Avenue School Library catalog
I Wish Our Library Had...
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:15am - 3pm
Wednesday: 8:15am - 2pm
Catalog and databases are available 24/7.
Lynne Kishi
Library Media Specialist
925.606.4724 ext 7440
Links and Resources
California State Library Resources
These resources are all available to us through the California State Library. For instructions on accessing them from home, watch the beginning of each video, and use the usernames/passwords provided in this document. ProQuest refers to anything not Britannica. All videos linked include how to log in from home.
Encyclopedia Britannica
English, Spanish
General use encyclopedia. Demo video.
Culture Grams
Four databases covering state, countries, and proviences; including a kids edition for countries. Demo video.
This is a good database to start research on a topic. Demo video.
Gale In Context: Environmental Studies
A more advanced version of Discoverer. 5th grade and up - can include controversial/mature topics. Demo video.